A Tiwári House korszerű borászata
We are determined to create an advanced sparkling winemaking facility and achieve superior natural, vegan standards consistently.
With its innovative and flexible production, process and logistics set-up, Tiwari House aims:
Természetes folyamatok
operate with minimum intervention to natural biological processes, allowing hygienic hand-crafting standard while maintaining purity, precision and identity at any scale.
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Legmagasabb színvonal
commit to open-source transparency, and exceed ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 22000 (food safety) and ISO 14001 (environmental), and Vegan and Organic standards.

Mindemellett, a borászatban a termelés útja az egyedi, jellegzetes szŐlŐnknél kezdŐdik.

Usually, the grapes are picked between the mid-September and early-October, around 100 days after the vines have flowered. This is when the grapes are ripest, with crisp acidity, firm skin and fully developed aroma. For about four weeks, the Tiwari House receives hand-picked grapes. Intervention is made to sort every grape batch as a matter of rule.
Gently and solidly splitting the grapes is an important process in Rosé and Red winemaking. Overcrushing could lead to imbalanced pH and extraction of harsh bitter compounds. Gently crushed berries at low temperature encourage slow, soft extraction of colour, flavours and tannins from grape skin, without needing to use heat and alcohol. Tiwari House employs advanced technology to very gently bruise the grapes used for Rosé and Red wines.
Ahhoz, hogy kinyerjük a szőlő levét, a zúzott és az egész fürtöket is préseljük. Fontos, hogy ne legyen túl erős a prés, hogy a szőlőszemek héja és a magvak ne kerüljenek bele a lébe. Általában 7 liter szőlőlé nyerhető ki 10 kg gyümölcsből. A minőség érdekében a Tiwári House csak az első 5 litert dolgozza fel, a szőlőlé legkiegyensúlyozottabb részét, amit mustnak, vagy ’cuvée’-nek is neveznek. A maradék 2 liter, a ’taille’ nem kerül hasznosításra.
A Tiwári House-nál a leszüretelése után a szőlő mihamarabb a présbe kerül, hogy csökkentsük a hosszú várakoztatás és az időjárás jelentette kockázatokat. A szőlőbirtokon végzett egész éves munka könnyen kárba veszhet.
After pressing, any organic residue, pips or skins from the grapes, and any vineyard soil present in the grape juice must be removed, the process known as “racking”. We leave the grape juice in vats at a temperature of 10-13°C for about 16-18 hours. Any particles fall to the bottom by the action of natural gravity. The resulting clear juice, or “must”, is then moved to the vinification vats of Tiwari House. We do not use chemicals to expedite this process. We do not use animal based products.

Többszöri erjesztés
After pressing, the grape must is stored in vats for about two weeks at between 13°C and 20°C, depending on stylistic decision, for the alcoholic fermentation process. Natural yeasts convert the sugar in the must into alcohol and carbon dioxide, turning the must into wine, this process is also called Spontaneous fermentation. Tiwari House is careful to keep the different vineyards and grape varieties apart, ensuring the character of each terroir is preserved until blending. We also pursue a second fermentation, known as malolactic fermentation, to occur. This is a natural process during which the malic acid turns into lactic acid, reducing acidity and making the wines softer. This directly affects the style of Tiwari House’s natural wines, leaving them softer without making them any less fresh or lively.
Following the fermentations, the wines are transferred to other vats to remove any remaining yeast or solids that could affect the taste. Again, we do not use any chemical or animal products in this process. The natural vegan wines at this stage are called “still wines”, after clarifying, as they have yet to acquire their sparkle.
Blending involves the art of marrying still wines of different grapes and growths to create Sparkling wines of consistently high quality that reflect the style of Tiwari House. This subtle art is ingrained into the signature of Tiwari House; it requires not only assessing the wines as they are today, but also the ability to anticipate how they will develop in the future.
To ensure our Sparkling wines retain their usual depth and freshness, wines are carefully kept. Wines from different years are not blended to flatten any contrasts. Instead, story of the year and purity of the nature are expressed by creating vintage-only high-quality natural and vegan wines.

Palackos erjesztés
The natural still wine becomes Sparkling wine akin to champagne while hidden in the depths of the cellars of Tiwari House. The liqueur de tirage, formulated using natural ingredients, triggers a second alcoholic fermentation. Over the course of a month, at a constant temperature of 11°C, bubbles gradually form. This is how the wine becomes sparkling. Its alcoholic strength increases from 11% to 12%. The quality of this fermentation will determine how gentle the sparkle of Tiwari House’s Sparkling is, as well as their degree of freshness and depth. As the bubbles are formed, so the pressure inside the bottle increases, reaching as much as 7 bar. This intervention at Tiwari House doesn’t add any unnatural substance and any animal-based substance to the sparkling wines.
The bottles are stored on their sides in the cellars of Tiwari House, away from any light and vibrations, at a constant temperature of 10-12°C. This step is extremely important as the slow autolysis of the yeasts is essential for quality. Over many months, the natural vegan sparkling wines develop their richness of taste and aromatic complexity. During the ageing process, the yeast forms a deposit in the bottle. It’s through contact with this deposit that the wine acquires its rich taste and distinctive character. The winemaking team prefers to age the natural vegan sparkling wines long enough to create wines of perfect maturity with precise freshness. This means three to five years of average maturation for Tiwari House vintage sparkling wines.

A degorzsálás művelete egyszerű, de kritikus lépés. Ekkor távolítjuk el a lerakódásokat és az üledéket, ami az üvegben keletkezett a másodlagos alkoholos erjesztés alatt, majd a rázás során a palack nyakában gyűlt össze. A Tiwári House-nál a palack nyakát -26°C-ra hűtjük le. A jégtömb fogságában a lerakódást intenzív nyomással kényszerítjük ki, amikor a kupakot eltávolítjuk.
Dosage is not favoured at Tiwari House, and hence a super majority of our wines are Brut Nature style. Sometimes with heavy hearts, embracing the full essence of the divine, we bow to provide a different pleasant wine experience. A liqueur de dosage or liqueur d’expédition made from a mixture of grape sugar and Tiwari House vintage wine, is added to the Sparkling wine. An integral part of Tiwari House’s expertise, the exact composition of the liqueurs de dosage is a secret but completely natural and vegan. At between 6g/l and 9g/l instead of the usual 12g for a Brut Sparkling, it allows the full subtlety of the blend to come through and retains the style of the terroir. Finally, all Sparkling wines are left to rest at least two months before shipping, thereby letting the liqueur blend properly with the wine.
Címkézés és csomagolás
Mostanra a Tiwári House borai rengeteg különböző úton indultak el. Némelyik út a második erjesztéssel lezárult, hogy Csendes bor vagy Charmat bor készüljön belőle, mások átestek a palackos erjesztésen, hogy Pet-Nat vagy Méthode Traditionelle Pezsgő váljék belőlük, és néhányuk elérte a kozmikus hercegnőség állapotát. Akárhogy is, itt az idő! Minden egyes borospalack végül készen áll arra, hogy felfedje a különleges személyiségét és meghódítsa a képzeletünket aromájával, frissességével, mélységével és komplexitásával.